Expert advisor to the Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels Forum

For: European Commission

[Jan 2019 – now]

The Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels Forum (ART Fuels Forum) is a forum initiated by DG Energy and DG MOVE of the European Commission in which European production industry, transport end user industry and other stakeholders explore policy and market issues impacting the deployment of low carbon and renewable fuels.

The project aims at policy understanding and its implementation at European level (e.g. RED2), overcoming market uptake barriers, gaining insights in new technology innovation improvements and exchanging insights with other regions in the world.

studio Gear provides advisory services to the ART Fuels Forum on financial and taxation issues and the 2019-2020 project window addresses issues related to the deployment of renewable fuels in the international shipping sector.

Information on ART Fuels Forum is found are


Turin Joint Statement to G7 on Sustainable Biofuels

The Turin Joint Statement on Sustainable Biofuels highlights the role of sustainable biofuels in decarbonising all transport sectors, promoting environmental sustainability, innovation, and creating value for communities. studio Gear Up and more than 75 Industry

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