Quarter Master Platform Durable Biofuels

For: Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment

[Dec 2015 – Apr 2016]

For the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, studio Gear Up took preparatory steps, together with involved stakeholders in the sustainable biofuels sector in the Netherlands to found a Platform Sustainable Biofuels (‘Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen).

The aim of the Platform is to accelerate the transition to, and the establishment of, a frontrunner position in the biobased and circular economy by supporting organisations and companies in the Netherlands in the production and utilization of sustainable, advanced biofuels in road transport as well as in the shipping and aviation sector.


Turin Joint Statement to G7 on Sustainable Biofuels

The Turin Joint Statement on Sustainable Biofuels highlights the role of sustainable biofuels in decarbonising all transport sectors, promoting environmental sustainability, innovation, and creating value for communities. studio Gear Up and more than 75 Industry

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