For: Various Netherlands companies active in transport fuels market

[July 2021 – date]

Summer 2021, the European Commission published the Green Deal Fit for 55 package: a legislative package full of proposals for new Directives and Regulations that collectively should lead to 55% lower greenhouse gas emissions in europe, compared to 1990. The Commission sees this as a crucial and necessary step to reach a net-zero, climate neutral european Union in 2050.

studio Gear Up provides individual strategic support to companies in the transport fuels market in the Netherlands to understand these upcoming regulations and directives and help each of them to be prepared for the business positioning under such new and changing context. By presenting the core elements of e.g. the Renewable Energy Directive, the emissions trading scheme for road transport and buildings, the Regulations for the Maritime and Aviation sector, or the CO2-performance standards for cars and vans, studio Gear Up challenges board members how well they are aware and ready for strategic action


Turin Joint Statement to G7 on Sustainable Biofuels

The Turin Joint Statement on Sustainable Biofuels highlights the role of sustainable biofuels in decarbonising all transport sectors, promoting environmental sustainability, innovation, and creating value for communities. studio Gear Up and more than 75 Industry

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