Loes Knotter

Verkenning effecten duurzame energiedragers

Voor: Provincie Noord-HollandUitgevoerd samen met: Royal Haskoning DHV [Oktober 2022 – Juni 2023] Naast elektriciteit en warmte zijn duurzame brandstoffen belangrijke energiedragers in de transitie naar een klimaatneutrale samenleving in Noord-Holland. Passend beleid is nodig voor deze brandstoffen. Provincie Noord-Holland had behoefte aan inzicht in de consequenties van inzet van …

Verkenning effecten duurzame energiedragers Read More

Blockchain for renewable fuels

For: Dutch Blockchain Coalition [September 2022 – March 2023] In this innovation project, sector parties have assessed the use of Distributed Ledger Technologie (DTL) such as blockchain based applications for the renewable fuels industry. studio Gear Up acted as project lead. The project consortium consisted of fuel suppliers such as …

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Management of the Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels

For: Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen / Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels [Oct 2016 – now] Managing the independent knowledge and innovation Platform Renewable Fuels (i) to support an accelerated mitigation the climate impact of the transport sector and (ii) to enable the builds up of a biobased economy in The Netherlands. studio …

Management of the Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels Read More

About Russian crude oil and the Netherlands

The United States have announced to ban Russian oil and gas. Various Dutch national newspapers and many people on Twitter have explored the dependency of natural gas consumption in the Netherlands imported from Russia (see e.g. this article – in Dutch language – in De Volkskrant). The issue addressed the vulnerability of …

About Russian crude oil and the Netherlands Read More

Low-carbon mobility with renewable fuels

For: FuelsEurope [April – October 2021] Downloads: The Full Report “Low-carbon mobility with renewable fuels“. The Annex Report: “Total Cost of Ownership analysis in 16 European Member States“. FuelsEurope has asked studio Gear Up to study the societal impacts and the consequences of light duty fleet electrification on access to …

Low-carbon mobility with renewable fuels Read More

Factor renewable fuels in maritime sector

June 2021, Dutch Ministry Infrastructure and Water management wished to better understand what the effects would be of allowing only advanced biofuels to be registered for bunkers to maritime transport, and whether additional factors are needed to maintain the balance between bookings in road transport and the seagoing shipping sector. …

Factor renewable fuels in maritime sector Read More

Road transport in the Emission Trading Scheme

For: Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Min IenW) [November 2020 – April 2021] October 2020, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands asked studio Gear Up to study the possible impacts and policy interactions of a proposal for an extension of the emission trading scheme …

Road transport in the Emission Trading Scheme Read More

Developing a communication strategy on renewable renewable fuels

For: NOVE – Netherlands Business Association of Independent Fuel Suppliers [June – October 2020] studio Gear Up assisted NOVE in finding communication elements on renewable fuels and climate impact mitigation.  These elements can be used when informing its members on the changing contextual environment, and what options members have to …

Developing a communication strategy on renewable renewable fuels Read More

Analysis on monitoring circular plastics on the Dutch market

For: TKI E&I – Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie – Energie en Industrie [August 2020 – January 2021] The Dutch Top consortium for Knowledge and Innovation Energy and Industry (TKI E&I) wanted to establish how well plastics supply-chains, of all plastic types, could be followed on the Dutch market, from …

Analysis on monitoring circular plastics on the Dutch market Read More

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