
Blockchain for renewable fuels

For: Dutch Blockchain Coalition [September 2022 – March 2023] In this innovation project, sector parties have assessed the use of Distributed Ledger Technologie (DTL) such as blockchain based applications for the renewable fuels industry. studio Gear Up acted as project lead. The project consortium consisted of fuel suppliers such as …

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Mobility Monitor 2022

For: NOVE – Netherlands Business Association for Independent Fuel Suppliers [November 2022 – February 2023] For NOVE studio Gear Up developed an annual Mobility Monitor that shows development in fleet volumes and expected fuel demand over time. February 2023 the most recent Monitor was published. The Monitor consists of two …

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Understanding Fit-for-55

For: Various Netherlands companies active in transport fuels market [July 2021 – date] Summer 2021, the European Commission published the Green Deal Fit for 55 package: a legislative package full of proposals for new Directives and Regulations that collectively should lead to 55% lower greenhouse gas emissions in europe, compared …

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EU-India Stakeholder Group on Advanced biofuels

Under the auspices of the EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership, a project funded by the European Union [February 2023 – December 2024] Eric van den Heuvel will participate as an individual expert in the Stakeholder Group on Advanced Biofuels (SGAB). The stakeholder group has been established on 8 February …

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Exploring systems of renewable fuels certificate and their trading mechanisms

For: European energy company [September 2022 – December 2022] A large European energy company, active in the sustainable mobility and energy transition field, sought insights into the Dutch Renewable Energy in Transport system (HBE system). They recognised it could be potentially interesting to have a similar system in their home …

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Management of the Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels

For: Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen / Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels [Oct 2016 – now] Managing the independent knowledge and innovation Platform Renewable Fuels (i) to support an accelerated mitigation the climate impact of the transport sector and (ii) to enable the builds up of a biobased economy in The Netherlands. studio …

Management of the Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels Read More

Workshop over kosteneffectieve invulling RED3-doelen

Voor: RVO / Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen [november – december 2022] Het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat is in voorbereiding voor de imnplementatie van RED3. Bij de opzet van het systeem wordt overwogen om sectorspecifieke verplichtingen in te stellen voor wegverkeer, zeevaart en lichtvaart en daarboven op ook een ‘sector-vrije’ verplichting. …

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Quick-scan analysis on the ‘Renewable energy in transport’ multiplier for biofuels in shipping

For: RVO – Netherlands Enterprise Agency [October 2022] RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, asked studio Gear Up for a concise analysis on the height of the multiplier that currently is used for bunkering advanced biofuels to the maritime sector. The specific question concerned whether a change to the factor for …

Quick-scan analysis on the ‘Renewable energy in transport’ multiplier for biofuels in shipping Read More

Demand for hydrogen in aviation fuels in the Netherlands

For: Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Department of Aviation [September – December 2022] July 2021 the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation that would set mandatory targets for the deployment of renewable fuels in the European transport sector, known as ‘ReFuelEU Aviation’. Aimed to be implemented …

Demand for hydrogen in aviation fuels in the Netherlands Read More

Methanol carbon footprint tool and guidance

For: IMPCA – the International Methanol Producer & Consumer Association [October 2021 – April 2022] The International Methanol Producer & Consumer Association (IMPCA) represents many stakeholders in the global methanol market. IMPCA maintains the most commonly used international methanol quality standard and organises international business and knowledge sharing events for …

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