Expert advisor to the Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels Forum

For: European Commission [Jan 2019 – now] The Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels Forum (ART Fuels Forum) is a forum initiated by DG Energy and DG MOVE of the European Commission in which European production industry, transport end user industry and other stakeholders explore policy and market issues impacting the …

Expert advisor to the Alternative and Renewable Transport Fuels Forum Read More

EV-target achieved one year earlier, but 2020 is a year to watch

11% of 2019-registered passenger cars in The Netherlands have a plug Early December 2019, at the time of this blog, data by RVO on new car registrations up to November indicate that The Netherlands have achieved one of the targets agreed in the Green Deal Electric Transport 2016-2020. For 2020 …

EV-target achieved one year earlier, but 2020 is a year to watch Read More

European Green Deal: don’t overlook liquids!

[Blog for Friends of Europe] To bring down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – in the context of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement to keep the world’s temperature rise well below 2°C and preferably below 1.5°C – the share of renewable energy in the power and the transport sector needs to …

European Green Deal: don’t overlook liquids! Read More

Strategic support on development vision on renewable fuels

for: UPEI, the Voice of Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers [Nov 2018 – Aug 2019] UPEI, the business association for independent fuel suppliers wanted to develop a vision for 2050 in which the inevitable role of carbon neutral liquid fuels for the transport and heating market is highlighted. The vision is …

Strategic support on development vision on renewable fuels Read More

EU is challenged to curb its rising energy consumption

Eurostat published early 2019 a press release that in 2017 energy consumption in the EU, again, has increased 1% compared to the year before. For three years in a row now energy consumption in EU28 is increasing. This makes it more difficult to achieve the energy efficiency improvement target. In …

EU is challenged to curb its rising energy consumption Read More

Verkoop nieuwe personenauto’s en de klimaatopdracht

Nederlandse wagenpark blijft groeien Sinds 2000 zijn er 32% meer auto’s op de weg gekomen. Gemiddeld genomen zijn deze 17% zwaarder geworden. De gewichtstoename komt deels door EU-eisen ten aanzien van veiligheid en deels door meer zware auto’s op de weg. Gekeken vanuit ambities van een circulaire economie met beperken grondstofgebruik betekent deze …

Verkoop nieuwe personenauto’s en de klimaatopdracht Read More

Carbon footprint bio-LNG

For: Rolande BV [Jun – Oct 2018] For Rolande BV, studio Gear Up developed an Excel calculation tool to determine the well-to-wheel carbon intensity of i) bio-LNG from different feedstock origins and different production sites, and ii) variable mixtures of LNG and bio-LNG. The tool will help Rolande and its …

Carbon footprint bio-LNG Read More

Nederland zeker nog geen koploper op klimaatgebied

Fractievoorzitters Buma en Dijkhoff kunnen rustig gaan slapen door Eric van den Heuvel, Loes Knotter Tijdens de algemene beschouwingen maakten fractievoorzitters Buma (CDA) en Dijkhoff (VVD) zich zorgen dat Nederland met haar plannen voor sterke CO2-reductie in 2030 te ver voor de troepen uit loopt. Ze hoeven zich geen zorgen …

Nederland zeker nog geen koploper op klimaatgebied Read More

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