Electric mobility

2023 the last year of ICEV-dominancy in car sales in NL?

In 2023, 69% of all new registered passenger cars in the Netherlands carried an internal combustion engine, in most cases combined with some form of electric engine (either mild hybrid, full hybrid or plug-in hybrid). At the same time, 68% of the registered cars carried an electric engine (Figure 1). …

2023 the last year of ICEV-dominancy in car sales in NL? Read More

Mobility Monitor 2023

For: NOVE – Netherlands Business Association for Independent Fuel Suppliers [February 2022 – March 2024] For Dutch-based NOVE, the Netherlands Business Association for Independent Fuel Suppliers, studio Gear Up developed an annually recurring Mobility Monitor that provides insights on vehicle fleet volumes development and indicates how the liquid and gaseous …

Mobility Monitor 2023 Read More

Home-charged electric vehicles outperform combustion engine vehicles on price

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are more affordable than their combustion engine counterparts (ICEVs) and no longer require the support of the purchase subsidy, our total cost of ownership analysis shows. This is primarily the case for situations where home charging is available. Being dependent on public or fast charging may …

Home-charged electric vehicles outperform combustion engine vehicles on price Read More

Are we witnessing the end of the dominancy of ICEV vehicle registration in the Netherlands?

2023 might turn out as being the last year (in the Netherlands) with the #iCEVdominant over #EV engines. 69% of newly registered vehicles had a combustion engine, 68% had an electric engine. Still 37% of all vehicles had both ICE and EE, ranging from mild hybrid to plug-in. How did the change happen?  …

Are we witnessing the end of the dominancy of ICEV vehicle registration in the Netherlands? Read More

Understanding the fuel market transition using strategic scenario planning

For: A Netherlands fuel supplier [June – October 2023] A fuel supplier active in the Neterlands, aware of the ongoing transition to higher shares of renewable fuels (and electricity) in the transport fuel mix, seeked support in developing a better understanding of it opportunities for a future market position. studio …

Understanding the fuel market transition using strategic scenario planning Read More

“Honey, I shrunk the car sales!”

2022 passenger car registrations in the Netherlands Passenger cars registrations keep going down while the average base price of models registered keeps going up. The registrations of battery electric vehicles for the third year in a row stabilized at around 70 thousand. Most striking is the ‘collapse’ of registrations of …

“Honey, I shrunk the car sales!” Read More

Mobility Monitor 2022

For: NOVE – Netherlands Business Association for Independent Fuel Suppliers [November 2022 – February 2023] For NOVE studio Gear Up developed an annual Mobility Monitor that shows development in fleet volumes and expected fuel demand over time. February 2023 the most recent Monitor was published. The Monitor consists of two …

Mobility Monitor 2022 Read More

Understanding Fit-for-55

For: Various Netherlands companies active in transport fuels market [July 2021 – date] Summer 2021, the European Commission published the Green Deal Fit for 55 package: a legislative package full of proposals for new Directives and Regulations that collectively should lead to 55% lower greenhouse gas emissions in europe, compared …

Understanding Fit-for-55 Read More

Workshop over kosteneffectieve invulling RED3-doelen

Voor: RVO / Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen [november – december 2022] Het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat is in voorbereiding voor de imnplementatie van RED3. Bij de opzet van het systeem wordt overwogen om sectorspecifieke verplichtingen in te stellen voor wegverkeer, zeevaart en lichtvaart en daarboven op ook een ‘sector-vrije’ verplichting. …

Workshop over kosteneffectieve invulling RED3-doelen Read More

Analysis of car sales in 2021 in the Netherlands: lower sales of ICEVS ánd BEVs

After years of growth of the annual new registrations of passengers cars, 2021 was characterized by a strong decrease of total registrations. For the first time the number of registered Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) was lower than the previous year, breaking with a trend of steep increases. 2021 saw a …

Analysis of car sales in 2021 in the Netherlands: lower sales of ICEVS ánd BEVs Read More

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